Steve Buttry

Always be curious.

With over 30 years in the journalism field, Steve Buttry offered this vital message, along with many others to the online journalism class.

Looking at various audio and video clips, along with exploring the various platforms, Buttry shared an important lesson in the value of multi-platform media.

13 seconds in August shows coverage on a tragic bridge collapse in Minneapolis.  It is also a vital example of how cross-platforming can make a good story even better.

Digital story-telling is a great way to share control of how a story is brought up, examined, and read.

With readers having more control with what they read and how they gather information, digital story-telling offers an exciting and engaging environment for the online consumer.

Buttry explained how offering your reader different ways to look at stories can send a more powerful message.

  • A good paragraph may not be able to tell a story with as much depth or meaning as a good graphic can.
  • You’re looking to give your reader more control, so what interests them is more available.
  • People in the community and readers can become part of the story.

One of his greatest messages for the class was about how finding new ways to tell a story and knowing the limitless possibilities to do so.

Buttry went on to explain how not all stories can be devised in a complex, interactive digital platform, and how it’s up to the journalist to find what stories matter enough to do so.

Sometimes, as a journalist, you have to immerse yourself into new platforms and devices that may not initially be comfortable for you.  To better yourself as a journalist, however, it’s these new methods and technologies that can really evolve and expand your writing and story-telling.

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